We are the largest group of Melbourne Podiatrists in Victoria, we Bulk Bill Medicare EPC referred patients with no GAP fee charged and we process the claim at the Podiatry Clinic for you, which means no visit to a Medicare office to claim a rebate. We take care of it all for you.
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Podiatry Clinics Melbourne has been selected by many GPs to care for their patients in a clinic near you. We have been selected because of our podiatrists’ experience and care. We understand that when you have needs and want advice, our podiatrist can help you decide on appropriate care and treatment options. We treat every podiatry concern and condition. Trust is earned and many Doctors in Melbourne respect and trust Podiatry Clinics Melbourne by referring thousands of patients across Melbourne to the care of the podiatrists at Podiatry Clinics Melbourne.
All of our University trained Health Professional Podiatrists are trained in diabetes care. Diabetes Wound management and diabetes shoe fitting and treatments are part of every day care for our team. You can rest assured that you will be treated with the care you need and the care you deserve and expect from a quality podiatrist.
Podiatry Clinics Melbourne provides care for all of your family. We provide shoe assessments for children and those growing fast. We also provide Home Visit Services to your family when they are unable to attend one of our many podiatry clinics across Melbourne. Nail surgeries for ingrown toe nails are also done in our podiatry clinics.
Podiatry clinics provides Orthotic care and fitting for those of us who require special needs and attention. We also offer a range of Orthotics (including custom made) for those with foot pain or sports needs. Podiatry Clinics Podiatrists provide you with a detailed care plan and advice to help you decide which treatment and which Orthotic is right for you.
We provide solutions and advice on foot & leg pain resulting from bio-mechanical deficits arthritis, sporting issues, etc. Ask us about your needs regarding Plantar Fasciitis, Flat Feet / High Arches, Arch Pain, Heel Spurs, or other conditions.